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RK Hot promotion USD52.99/sqm portable beyond stage

time:2016-09-26 editor:R-grafen
RK Portable staging now making big promotion for the coming golden event season, deadline is Oct.31th, contact Demi sales01@raykevent.com immediately.
1.22m*2.44m (4*8ft) beyond stage with 4 legs (60-100cm/70-120cm) is only USD 53.99/sqm. 
1.22*1.22m (4*4ft) beyond stage with 4 legs (60-100cm/70-120cm) is only USD 78.00/sqm.

A full sets of Portable staging is composed of platform+ adjustable legs+ stairs+guard rail+clamp(improve stability). If your project is 40ft*40ft, then we will commend you use 50 pieces 4ft*8ft stage, that means that 40*40ft stage with 4 legs you only need to pay USD52.99*1.22m*2.44m=USD7887.03, It is attractive price, why do you hesitate?

portable stage


beyond stage