Use Pipe And Drape For Trade Shows To Save Your Cost
We know that trade shows are a large investment in both money and time.If you want to save the trade show cost,choose the portable pipe and drape is a great option for you.
Pipe and drape refers to pipe(aluminum),fixed or adjustable telescoping vertical uprights supported by a weighted steel base,and adjustable telescopic or fixed horizontals that provide a drape support frame with removable drape panels.
To save the labor costs involved in after-hour installation and removal of pipe and drape - consider installing it yourself.Depending on the amount of Pipe and Drape involved, you could potentially save hundreds of dollars in labor fees.

Pipe And Drape
The steps install the pipe and drape for a trade show booth
1.Conect the base and the base pin
2.Fit the upright and the base
3.Slip on the Upright
4.The drape across the crossbar
5.Fit the upright and the crossbar
6.You're done,and you've got a beautiful wall of pipe and drape

The Steps Install the Pipe And Drape
Actually install process goes much quicker if more than one person helps.On layouts of ten sections of pipe and drape or more, three or four helpers can make the job much easier.
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